Billy Finnegan
Billy Finnegan’s plays include At the End (Theater for the New City’s “New City, New Blood” reading); Any Solid Color Other Than Black (MCC Theater reading); Little Boy Lost; The Dander of Female Poplars, or One Queens Parade; Tenth Place; Daisy Chained; and Begin Measured Mile. He assisted Christopher Ashley on readings of Sail Away, adapted by Claudia Shear, and Valhalla, by Paul Rudnick, and wrote and directed the cabaret shows Dayton’s Divine Miss P, and Katie Pees: All Over You! He graduated from Princeton University (Triangle Club). Esther Demsack was first read this January at New York Theatre Workshop.
Developing an hour-long television how for USA network entitled “Busy Bodies”.
“Busy Bodies” goes into production - to air in Fall 2009
SPF Blog
July 01, 2009
One Week to Go!
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